Sunday Health Hack No. 26 – Rebound your Life (& Health)!
Sunday Health Hack No. 26 – Get a Rebounder (a small trampoline), put it in your (home) office, and have some fun in your work-breaks – to the benefit of your bodily and mental health. Stick with me! When I stumbled across this, I had a sneer on my face too. That’s something we did […]
Sunday Health Hack No. 25 – Spine up & hang in there!
Sunday Health Hack No. 25 – Get a pull-up bar, but not for doing pull-ups, but just to hang on with your own body weight. Several times a day. After a quick Pentecost break, we are back with our next Sunday Hack regarding your most important mission in life – To take utmost care of […]
Sunday Health Hack No. 24 – Lavender in the air, and on your skin!
Sunday Health Hack No. 24 – Get some organic Lavender essential oil and make lavendish use of it in you evening and bedtime routine. I have mentioned essential oils before now and then, but there are some which deserve a special mentioning. And Lavender is a MUST in your healthy lifestyle aid-kit! Traditional herbal textbooks […]
Sunday Health Hack No. 23 – Know your (Green) tea!
Sunday Health Hack No. 23 – Make drinking tea a new easy habit, swapping some of the coffee breaks for health beneficial tea time-outs. It’s teatime, and instead of just picking one variety in particular I want to give you my favourite list of (Green) teas which I consume on a regular day, again always […]
Sunday Health Hack No. 22 – Roll up your sleeves and save a life – including yours!
Sunday Health Hack No. 22 – Twice a year, go donate blood. Besides that you contribute to saving lives of your fellow humans in critical need for blood, think of it as your very own “oil change” for your “machine” (your body) to perform optimal. According to the Red Cross, every two seconds someone is […]
Sunday Health Hack No. 21 – The Queen of your Health!
Sunday Health Hack No. 21 – Put some Reishi mushroom powder into your “Good Night” drink for the best recovery ever. Today, it’s Mother’s Day. So, let’s honour the most important person in our life, dedicating this Sunday Hack to the Queen of Health. After having introduced you to the health benefits of Chaga (in […]
Sunday Health Hack No. 20 – Your brains new best friend!
Sunday Health Hack No. 20 – Put some Lion’s mane mushroom powder into your afternoon coffee for more focus, productivity, memory, creativity and (brain) energy. Everyone knows the feeling of “gloom” and “sluggishness” after the “heavy” lunch break. Taking a “digestive” walk is one method to prevent the looming “brain fog” (and dread of the […]
Sunday Health Hack No. 19 – Smooth out your morning caffeine levels
Sunday Health Hack No. 19 – Put some Chaga mushroom powder into your morning coffee for a good steady prolonged caffeine level (& much more). Let’s continue with the “morning coffee“ routine, using again this common beverage as a “carrier”, for then adding something “beneficial” to it. In this case Chaga mushroom powder. Called the […]
Sunday Health Hack No. 18 – Fuel up your coffee (and spirit)
Sunday Health Hack No. 18 – Put a tablespoon of MCT Oil into your morning coffee for a good filling of your energy – body and spirit – tanks. Many, many years ago my first contact with “bio-hacking” had been “Bulletproof Coffee” which claims huge health benefits when adding some butter as well as MCT […]
Sunday Health Hack No. 17 – Raiders of the lost Hair
Sunday Health Hack No. 17 – Throw away your hair conditioners and styling gels, and use some organic Aloe Vera gel and Rosemary essential oil instead. There is another important „organ” which corresponds directly with your lymphatic system (which I talked about in my last Sunday Hack), so I want to address it right away […]
Sunday Health Hack No. 16 – The (health) bomb under your armpit
Sunday Health Hack No. 16 – Throw away your deodorant, and use some organic aloe vera gel and tea tree & lemon essential oil instead. As mentioned before, thriving for a healthy lifestyle is much more than just “food”. So today I want to tackle a different issue the first time, a serious one – […]
Sunday Health Hack No. 15 – Cinnamon your health
Sunday Health Hack No. 15 – Just put some cinnamon on or in “everything” you eat (not only). Cinnamon was already acquired by the ancient Greeks and Romans from Arabian traders, and at times the spice was more costly than gold. But not as a delicious food ingredient but for its strong healing powers, having […]
Sunday Health Hack No. 14 – Go „dark“ – chocolate
Sunday Health Hack No. 14 – Every evening, have a bar of dark chocolate. Today, this hack is about “replacement” rather than adding something to your routines/habits. Yes, even a “treat” can be healthy or at least beneficial for your health. And as most “treats” are consumed in the evening, on the couch, after a […]
Sunday Health Hack No. 13 – Up-GHEE your life
Sunday Health Hack No. 13 – Put a tablespoon of GHEE in all your soups or even pasta water Let’s start with – What is Ghee? Ghee is clarified butter, with one (important) difference – unlike in the eg. French technique using high heat, ghee is made by gently simmering cow’s-milk butter until its water […]
Sunday Health Hack No. 12 – Magnesiumfy your sleep (and fitness)
Sunday Health Hack No. 12 – Every evening, before you go to bed, take 300-400mg of Magnesium Citrate. From regulating blood sugar to boosting performance, magnesium is crucial for your brain and body. Magnesium is found throughout your body. Every cell in your body contains this mineral and needs it to function. About 60% of […]
Sunday Healt Hack No. 11 – Get in-Zinc
Sunday Health Hack No. 11 – Every evening, before you go to bed, take 50mg of Zinc. I already mentioned the importance of Zinc before in association with the prevention / treatment of COVID-19. Zinc is a crucial element required for the chemical reactions of over 300 enzymes that aid in metabolism, digestion, nerve function […]
Sunday Health Hack No. 10 – Ginger away your Waistline (and hips)
Sunday Health Hack No. 10 – Simply put ginger in (almost) every beverage you consume. The science hasn’t determined which “form” is best, so I use them all – fresh pressed ginger juice (from the farmers market) in my lemon water (~ one teaspoon). I always put a couple of freshly cut ginger slices (from […]
Sunday Health Hack No. 9 – Upgrade your Oral System!
Sunday Health Hack No. 9 – Every morning in the bathroom, put a large spoon of Coconut oil (large spoonful because most likely the Coconut oil is solidified) into your mouth, or take a proper gulp of Sesame oil out of the bottle. Then swish it around in your mouth for 3-5min. After that, spit […]
Sunday Health Hack No. 8 – Beachy, nosy & neti
Sunday Health Hack No. 8 – Every morning in the bathroom, while you maybe still have your toothpaste in your mouth, put some lukewarm water in the palm of your hand, put one nostril into your palm (in the water), breathe in (through your nose) and suck the water up. Repeat the procedure with the […]
Sunday Health Hack No. 7 – Turmeric, the 5th Element
Sunday Health Hack No. 7 – Simply add a spoon of turmeric powder in your pasta water. The four elements of western culture are: EARTH, AIR, FIRE, and WATER. So let me add a 5th one to it – TURMERIC. I am only kinda exaggerating. Turmeric is such a powerful spice with multidruple health benefits […]
Sunday Health Hack No. 6 – Get (much more) Vitamin D for your daily “sunshine”
Sunday Health Hack No. 6 – Take 5.000 IU of Vitamin D with your morning drink. I am sure many already read somewhere in these Corona times that Vitamin D is a great virus killer. Which is true but its importance for our health is so much more which is why, besides Vitamin C, I […]
Sunday Health Hack No. 5 – Walk, Walk & Away (the winter blues)
Sunday Health Hack No. 5 – Take a 5min walk before and after each meal. I am sure everyone has already heard many times of the huge (health) benefits of just taking a walk every day. First, it’s a zero-calorie strategy to improve your mood as it has a calming effect on your nervous system […]
Sunday Health Hack No. 4 – Sauerkraut your gut!
Next to Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), Sauerkraut should become an “evergreen” in your diet staple. Sunday Health Hack No. 4 – Have a couple of forks of (raw) Sauerkraut before every lunch and dinner. As mentioned in my ACV health hack (No. 3) “prevention” and a “happy, healthy lifestyle” starts with your “gut health”, and […]
Sunday Health Hack No. 3 – Apple Cider Vinegar, Your secret (health) weapon
Okay, let’s shift gears now a bit. Many knew that this was coming as a priority – Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). Sunday Health Hack No. 3 – Add ½ – 1 tablespoon of ACV to your water (Health Hack No.1) with Lemon spritz (No.2). I am all about “gut health first”. It’s in your gut […]
Sunday Health Hack No. 2 – Pimp up your water (healthy)
Sunday Health Hack No. 2 – Pimp up your water (Health Hack No.1) with some Lemon “spritz”. Okay, I hear you – In regard to my Sunday Hack No. 1 many will complain “Drinking still water is boring!” And I am 100% with you. So let’s pimp it up a little bit. But first let […]
Sunday Hack No. 1 – Smart drinking (water)
Sunday Health Hack No. 1 – Drink a glass of water in addition to every other “liquid” you indulge during the day. Let me start with something “funny”. A couple of years ago, long before Corona, I was invited to a nice, vegan dinner event and I was lucky that three of the six guests […]